
Sunday, 18 December 2016

Summer Learning Journey - Week 1 Day 2

Monday 19 December 2016

Task - Activity 1
Before you go overseas it will be important that you learn a bit about the capital city of your country. Hop online and find out about the capital city of your country. Use this information to complete the five sentences below:

  1. The name of the capital city is Tokyo.
  2. The population of the capital city is 13.62 million.
  3. In January, the weather in the capital city is usually hot.
  4. The capital city is located in the middle  (northern, southern, middle) part of the country.
  5. The languages most commonly spoken in the capital city are Japanese.


  1. Hi Caroline! It's been great reading about Japan on your blog! What an interesting country. Can you imagine living in a city that has over 13 million people!? I can't!! At the moment I am living in a little city in Germany, called Saarbruecken. It has only about 120,000 people.
    Looking forward to reading more on Japan on your blog!


  2. Hi Caroline,

    Wow, you have taught me quite a bit about Japan through reading your blog. While I had the opportunity to live in Nagano City, Japan for a year I did not know that Tokyo was such a huge city. I can't imagine living in the same place as 13.62 million other people. That is huge!

    In Canada (where I am from) we have a city called Toronto that has a population of 8 million people, however, it is quite a bit larger and more spread out than Tokyo. In Tokyo, many people live in tall apartment buildings and small flats. In Toronto there are plenty of apartment buildings but a large percentage of the population also live in their own homes (like New Zealand).

    I hope that you are enjoying the journey and learning about Japan as you go!

    Cheers, Rachel :)

  3. Hi Caroline,

    Happy New Year! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday, and have been having lots of fun :-) Are you looking forward to going back to school in a couple of weeks? I know I am, I start teaching next Wednesday out at Manurewa High School which is very exciting!

    Thank you for sharing your facts you found out about Tokyo, it looks like a very busy place! Could you imagine living in a city with that many people? That's almost 3 times the population of NZ!

    Keep up the great blogging Caroline, I'm looking forward to catching up on your learning journey!



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